Brick Appeal Donations 2011
To all those that helped Tia by buying a brick – A big Thank You from all the rescued greyhounds and Lurchers.
The monies raised allowed us to become mortgage free in January 2014.
Date Brick Number
Dec-11 3626 – 372 R & E
Dec-11 3625 The Staff at Hollybush Primary School
Dec-11 3623 & 36 Ministers Cross / Pandora
Dec-11 3618 – 362 In memory of Curly Bob (racing name Stop Press)
Dec-11 3614 – 361 for Amber, loved by all
Dec-11 3613 Karen van Wyk
Dec-11 3612 for Billy (after William of Orange - troublemaker)
Dec-11 3611 In memory of Blackie – much loved & missed by Chris
Dec-11 3609 & 36 Dawn Waterman
Dec-11 3608 In memory of our wonderful Marshall & Chandler
Dec-11 3607 Happy Christmas to the dogs at Tia -from Hamilton & Lexie
Dec-11 3605 & 36 Sonya Rooney
Dec-11 3604 In memory of Aunty Ruth – a true dog lover, sadly missed
Dec-11 3603 Laura Ann Bond
Dec-11 3602 In memory of Willow, Harris, Alfie & Merlin
Dec-11 3601 for Tia Tin Rattlers – from Cheryl & Lupe
Dec-11 3591 – 360 Andy & Jill McAllister
Dec-11 3590 In memory of Mya & Charlie. Loved and missed always
Dec-11 3589 In memory of TED a lovely, yonderly, Yorkshire Lad who made everyone smile!!
Dec-11 3587 & 35 Marie Sykes – Merry Xmas – Lots of Love Niki & Marcus
Dec-11 3586 Amy Best – dedicated foster carer of Tia dogs
Dec-11 3566 – 358 for Olly Marshall
Dec-11 3565 Jenny Gray
Dec-11 3563 & 35 Rachel Anderson
Dec-11 3557 – 356 Walt & Sal – fond memories
Dec-11 3556 Merry Christmas Kev, with love from Nic
Dec-11 3555 Peter & Rosemarie
Dec-11 3553 & 35 for Herbie & Holly
Dec-11 3551 & 35 In memory of China Glory
Dec-11 3550 Megan Rose Davis
Dec-11 3549 Eyan Holly Davis
Dec-11 3524 – 354 John & Bernice Kelly
Dec-11 3523 Hannah Gebbie
Dec-11 3513 – 352 Tony & Marjorie Frankland
Dec-11 3503 – 351 In memory of Lily Bebbington – much loved
Dec-11 3502 In loving memory of Bobby
Dec-11 3501 In memory of Lily Bebbington
Dec-11 3500 for Absent Friends at Christmas
Nov-11 3490 – 349 In memory of Michael John Francis Bradbury (03/10/1926 – 30/11/2010) – My lovely Dad
Nov-11 3482 – 348 The Graham Family
Nov-11 3477 – 348 In loving memory of my sister Leonie
Nov-11 3476 Stephen Jenkinson (Orkney)
Nov-11 3475 For all Tia workers & supporters
Nov-11 3410 – 347 The Moldgreen Fundraisers
Nov-11 3365 – 340 Marsden Charity Dance
Nov-11 3355 – 336 In memory of Trigger
Nov-11 3350 – 335 from Minnie (Ronnies Innocent)
Nov-11 3348 & 33 In lieu of Xmas cards to colleagues at Crosland Moor Juniors. From Adele Haigh
Nov-11 3347 Christine & Brian Smith
Nov-11 3346 Happy Christmas Paul & Dita
Oct-11 3279-3345 Bobby Robinson & his friends
Oct-11 3278 In memory of Archie (Fox Terrier)
Oct-11 3277 In memory of Billybob (Fox Terrier)
Oct-11 3276 In memory of Alfie (Lurcher)
Oct-11 3275 In memory of Lionel Wetton
Oct-11 3274 In memory of Joan Wetton
Oct-11 3273 For all TIA dogs
Oct-11 3271 – 327 For all Greys abused in the name of “sport”
Oct-11 3270 In memory of Scarlett & Saxon - run free my Wonderful Hounds
Oct-11 3269 Rolly – a loyal companion, sadly missed
Sep-11 3238 – 326 In memory of Pauline Walker
Sep-11 3235 – 323 Happy 60th birthday Ian Smith. Love from Buzzi, Jack & Max
Sep-11 3234 Freda Walton
Sep-11 3224 – 323 In memory of Brandy, reunited with his brother Bracken
Sep-11 3223 In memory of Slim
Sep-11 3222 Jayne
Sep-11 3221 for Archie
Sep-11 3220 Rennie – miss you with every breath Princess
Sep-11 3219 In memory of Mary Joan Hurely
Sep-11 3217 & 32 Good Luck in your new job Angela. From all in Cardiology x
Sep-11 3214 – 321 In memory of Carol & Gordon Dale
Sep-11 3211 – 321 Grace Goodhart
Sep-11 3210 Susan Jay
Sep-11 3208 & 32 from Shalini
Sep-11 3205 – 320 In memory of our wonderful greyhound, Pippa
Sep-11 3203 & 32 Eric & Sheila Ball
Aug-11 3201 & 32 Anne Margerison
Aug-11 3196 – 320 Howard & Marian Creber
Aug-11 3194 & 31 Prince & his Mom Molly
Aug-11 3192 & 31 Happy birthday Jayne, from Carole
Aug-11 3190 & 31 from Julia, Simon & Keira the Greyhound. In memory of Casey.
Aug-11 3189 for Gregory
Aug-11 3188 In memory of Joyce Rowe
Aug-11 3187 Happy 30th Leanne
Aug-11 3185 & 31 Justin Bartey & Emma Khoviteri-Zadeh
Jul-11 3183 & 31 Mrs J Smith
Jul-11 3182 Angela Parry
Jul-11 3181 Heather Harrison
Jul-11 3180 Biscuit Mick
Jul-11 3179 Floydy Day
Jul-11 3173 – 317 Dorothy Pocock
Jul-11 3168 – 317 Amanda & Ian in memory of Ivy
Jul-11 3167 Shelia the Greyhound – thanks for looking after me
Jun-11 3166 Kristaps from Latvia
Jun-11 3146 – 316 The Rotary Club of Hornsea & East Riding
Jun-11 3141 – 314 Ruby De Groot – ex Tia girl!
Jun-11 3140 In memory of rescued Greyhound - Daisey Mae
Jun-11 3139 Kate & Simon Parkinson
Jun-11 3138 Happy Birthday. Woof, Gnash, Squeak, Gnaw, Tweet
Jun-11 3137 for Lucy Squirrel – sadly missed, sleep well
Jun-11 3136 for Blackberry (a faithful friend)
Jun-11 3135 for Elfin – who died too soon
Jun-11 3125 – 313 In memory of Bracken
Jun-11 3122 – 312 Eta, Sanders & Lindy (ex Tia dogs)
Jun-11 3120 & 31 Happy Fathers Day, Terry Sykes. Love Niki & Marcus
Jun-11 3119 Mrs J Paul
Jun-11 3117 & 31 Janice & Roy Moore
Jun-11 3112 – 311 In memory of a special & loving friend, Nicola. Love Avril & Bonnie
Jun-11 3111 In memory of Nicola Holmes from Jean Dodson
May-11 3109 & 31 In memory of Judith – a true animal lover
May-11 3108 Sara Stephens
May-11 3107 In Memory of Caddy – an honorary Greyhound. From Reggie & Ellie
May-11 3106 In Memory of Caddy – a much loved little dog. From Niki & Marcus
May-11 3105 for Charlie
May-11 3097 – 310 Dom & Charlotte’s Wedding Guests
May-11 3092 – 309 T. O’Halloran-Fairgaill
May-11 3091 Mrs C. J. O’Halloran
May-11 3089 & 30 Janice Ann Farley
May-11 3088 Walter – in loving memory
May-11 3086 & 30 Marjorie Chipendale
May-11 3085 In memory of Carrick
May-11 3084 Lady Isobel Barklay (nee Galway Bell)
May-11 3083 Flipper Nock
May-11 3082 Tiger Nock
May-11 3081 In Memory of Peter Rowe
May-11 3076 – 308 Tinka & Taylor
May-11 3071 – 307 Mrs P Mason
May-11 3070 Jeffrey McIlwain
May-11 3069 Lilah Mouse – Shit House
May-11 3068 Tracey Three Toes
May-11 3067 Mary Flange – Madam Pee-Pee
May-11 3066 Gracie Cockle – th’owd Lady
May-11 3065 Stan Flange – gone but not forgotten
May-11 3063 & 30 Leo & Seamus
Apr-11 2963 – 306 Annette Crosbie
Apr-11 2956 – 296 Gilmoor Veterinary Group
Apr-11 2954 & 29 Phil & Val Carter
Apr-11 2952 & 29 In memory of Cindy & Jessica, much loved & missed
Apr-11 2947 – 295 Margaret Camplin Morse
Apr-11 2946 Candy Pollington
Apr-11 2945 Julia Pickard
Apr-11 2925 – 294 Doreen Hawkins
Apr-11 2924 for Brodie Briggs
Apr-11 2923 N Gregson
Apr-11 2918 – 292 for Tommy, a Prince amongst dogs. From Ray & Barbara
Apr-11 2917 for Mr Tom
Apr-11 2916 for Bobby – my Best Boy
Apr-11 2915 Amanda Mohr
Apr-11 2914 William Cook
Apr-11 2913 Amelia Cook
Apr-11 2912 Pippa Bates
Apr-11 2911 for Faye – a very special girl
Apr-11 2910 In memory of Lewis Powell
Apr-11 2909 for Pongo
Apr-11 2907 & 29 Bill, Chris & Tilly Colman
Mar-11 2902 – 290 In memory of Albert Chiswell
Mar-11 2901 In memory of our beloved cat Jodie
Mar-11 2900 Just wanted to say “Happy 13th Birthday Sailor”
Mar-11 2899 Usha Hartley
Mar-11 2898 Julia Hartley
Mar-11 2897 Janet Hartley
Mar-11 2896 John Hartley
Mar-11 2895 Stephen Hartley
Mar-11 2894 Keira
Mar-11 2893 In loving memory of Zoe xxx
Mar-11 2892 for all Tia dogs
Feb-11 2891 In memory of Noah – a good & faithful dog
Feb-11 2889 & 28 Stephen Murphy & Tina Jones
Feb-11 2689 – 288 timeform.com
Feb-11 2687 & 26 The Baldwins of Blackshaw Head
Feb-11 2685 & 26 Reggie & Ellie Sykes
Feb-11 2684 for all long legged hounds – from Carolyn, Nige, Ruby & Molly
Feb-11 2683 John Moppett
Feb-11 2673 – 268 a Tia supporter
Feb-11 2672 for Tinka – my sponsor dog
Feb-11 2670 & 26 Eileen Bartholomew
Feb-11 2669 In loving memory of Kathryn Greenwood
Feb-11 2663 – 266 for Cherry, Dodge, Ford, Rita, Lennie & Hustler
Feb-11 2662 from Cindy & Pegs
Jan-11 2660 & 26 Ben & Joanne Fell
Jan-11 2659 Stan Frontczak
Jan-11 2658 Derryhogan Audi – now called Voe
Jan-11 2654 – 265 Dot
Jan-11 2652 & 26 Kathleen Rothwell
Jan-11 2647 – 265 In Memory of Molly
Jan-11 2645 & 26 Mrs Christine Smith
Jan-11 2625 – 264 Customers of Meltham Shop Christmas 2010 Collection
Jan-11 2624 To Helen & Lee on the birth of their baby daughter Hope