Tia is an independent charity and your donations are always welcome … the day-to-day running expenses mount up and there’s always the vet bill to pay.
However modest, your donation will help ensure the work can continue.
You can donate using your credit / debit card or by your paypal account by clicking the below button.
If you wish to donate by cheque, please complete the Gift Aid form and send it to us with the cheque to:
Tia Rescue, Mill Race Farm. Wroot Road, Finningley, Doncaster DN9 3DY.
Completing the Giftaid declaration allows Tia to claim back the 25% tax.
(If you wish your donation to be recognised on the website it would help if you gave a covering letter)
You can also make a regular payment by standing order. Just a few pounds each month really does help.
Please download and complete the form below and send it to Tia Rescue.
Perhaps you could organise a collection for Tia at your business or workplace.
Corporate donations are also welcome (and would attract recognition of your company on our website)